Start using ChatGPT instantly


It’s core to our mission to make tools like ChatGPT broadly available so that people can experience the benefits of AI. More than 100 million people across 185 countries use ChatGPT weekly to learn something new, find creative inspiration, and get answers to their questions. Starting today, you can use ChatGPT instantly, without needing to sign-up. We’re rolling this out gradually, with the aim to make AI accessible to anyone curious about its capabilities.

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We may use what you provide to ChatGPT to improve our models for everyone. If you’d like, you can turn this off through your Settings – whether you create an account or not. Learn more about how we use content to train our models and your choices in our Help Center.

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We’ve also introduced additional content safeguards for this experience, such as blocking prompts and generations in a wider range of categories.

There are many benefits to creating an account including the ability to save and review your chat history, share chats, and unlock additional features like voice conversations and custom instructions.

For anyone that has been curious about AI’s potential but didn’t want to go through the steps to set-up an account, start using ChatGPT today.