Winners of the Heineken Young Scientists Awards 2022 announced


Chronobiologist Laura Kervezee (1989), philosopher Fleur Jongepier (1986), mathematician Jordi Tura i Brugués (1987) and health psychologist Liesbeth van Vliet (1985) are awarded the 2022 Heineken Young Scientists Awards. The laureates will be presented with the award at a celebratory event at the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ in Amsterdam on Thursday 29 September 2022.

Heineken Young Scientists Award in the Medical / Biomedical Sciences: Laura Kervezee

Chronobiologist Laura Kervezee (1989), who works at Leiden University Medical Centre, has been awarded the Heineken Young Scientists Award 2022 in the field of Medical/Biomedical Sciences. The jury praised her research into the biological clock and its practical translation into the improvement of patient care. The chronobiological knowledge that Kervezee provides, gives insight into ways of keeping the biological clock healthy in our 24-hour society and other situations in which the clock becomes disturbed, such as when ageing or in hospital. In health care, these insights are used to improve the functioning of drugs and therapies.

Heineken Young Scientists Award in the Humanities: Fleur Jongepier

Philosopher Fleur Jongepier (1986), connected to Radboud University Nijmegen, has been awarded the Heineken Young Scientists Award 2022 in the field of Humanities. The jury praised her research into the growing power of algorithms and how this affects the human capacity for autonomy and self-knowledge. Jongepier is able to combine high-level fundamental research with an active and important role in the current social debate.

Heineken Young Scientists Award in the Natural Sciences: Jordi Tura i Brugués

Mathematician Jordi Tura i Brugués (1987), connected to the Lorentz Institute at Leiden University, has been awarded the Heineken Young Scientists Award 2022 in the field of Natural Sciences. The jury praised his pioneering contributions to the theory of quantum entanglement and nonlocality. He adapted Bell’s theorem, which is used to show entanglement of two particles, to fit large numbers of particles. An important step for the further development of the quantum computer and the quantum internet.

Heineken Young Scientists Award in the Social Sciences: Liesbeth van Vliet

Health psychologist Liesbeth van Vliet (1985), connected to Leiden University, has been awarded the Heineken Young Scientists Award 2022 in the field of Social Sciences. The jury praised her important contribution to improving the quality of healthcare for seriously ill patients, thanks to better communication between doctor and patient. Van Vliet’s research into how communication can help and harm patients shows a valuable translation between research and society.