EU moves closer to digitalizing Schengen visa application process

  • EU moves closer to digitalizing Schengen visa application process

The Schengen visa application process is being digitized by the European Union (EU) to make it easier for UAE residents to apply for visas digitally without having to wait in queues or submit their passports. The move is aimed at making the visa application process more efficient and improving the security of the Schengen area, while replacing the current visa sticker with a digital visa. The proposed new rules will create a visa application platform that will forward all applications for Schengen visas to the relevant national visa systems, where visa applicants can upload their travel and supporting documents and pay their visa fees. 

Visas will be issued in digital format as a 2D barcode, cryptographically signed, which will reduce security risks related to counterfeit and stolen visa stickers. The council presidency will start negotiations with the European Parliament to decide on the final wording of the new rules.